Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!! I decided to buy my own present!!! No one really wanted to buy me camera stuff so my mom and grandma gave me money to buy my own camera stuff so I did!!!! Drew and his family always wanted to me to find a hobbies, now that I have drew thinks it is a bit expensive but quickly remembered all off his hobbies we have sitting in our garage, hummm, Kayaking, Skiing, Snowboarding, and Rock-climbing oh and the four wheeler. He has no room to talk and indecently neither does the garage.

Back from Utah

Well we are back in Oregon. I all I heard at work yesterday is how crappy the weather has been, and frankly I am not seeing it 40 in December is not crappy!! I do however feel that we should not have to be mowing or lawn in December!!! The way back was seemed a little long and less entertaining photo wise anyway!! We have a new Niece, her name is Chloe and other than that I don’t have anything else to say.

OH and i got to see Jess for about 5 whole mins!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Trip to Utah

Well we left Coos Bay Saturday Morning at about 5:30 am. I am convinced that we chose the biggest storms of the year each year to travel in. Oddly enough just out of Coos Bay was the worst. I made a photo journal and here it is.

Just outside of Coos Bay

Trucks pulling out to put on chains
As soon as we got of Oregon everything was clear and dry and we even stopped for some site seeing

Utah first thing in the morning

The dogs traveled very well.

Oh i almost forgot we came to a sign weed or college humm???
P.S. I am in Price right now if anyone one is around ;) *hint *hint*

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Star Light, Star Bright

Or in this case: Moon Light, Planet Bright. The brighter of the two planets is Venus and the slightly dimmer one higher in the sky I think is Jupiter. They were all very bright last night and the sky was clear so I took some long exposures of them. These two came out the best.

Monday, December 1, 2008


For some reason when I first visualized Thanksgiving this year I figured it would be something like yesterdays reheated KFC, I mean after all I had to work Thursday, Friday, and Sunday. I did manage to get Saturday off (thanks Carol), But the craziest things happen when you have a house; people come to you! (I am sure being right by the ocean didn’t have anything to do with it.) Anyway Drew’s parents, grandparents and brother came to have Thanksgiving at our house. On Friday after I got of work we had our thanksgiving dinner. I even had time to make a few things. I was inspired by Jessie to take pictures of the food.

Since I had Saturday off we tried to cram all of our sight seeing into one day. (Drew, Scott, and Barb were busy working on the house the rest of the time.) You can view more thanksgiving pics here.

Newport Aquarium

Well the reason we haven’t blogged for so long is because drew said he wanted to blog about the Newport Aquarium. We meet Trevor and Erin in Newport a few weekends ago and went to the Aquarium. I got some good pics but Trevor thought I could be killing the fish with my flash ;) I am sure he was kidding… at less I hope so because that didn’t stop me. But i am going to keep this short and simple so drew can added one or make his own.

you can click here to view more pics.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sunsets and boats

Well, we started off the day with a very photogenic cup of Orange Juice and of course the puppies had a treat as well. Then we went sailing and I didn’t even get sick, which is a plus because we could very well buy this boat one day ;) (Anyone ready to visit yet)

The Puppies also had a play date with a great dane.

Anyway, anyone that knows me, knows that I am have the tendency to really like one thing for x amount of time and then move on to something else well I think I am over waves for the time being and you may now start seeing 100 different pictures of sunsets because tonight’s was sooo sweet!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Virtual Tour

So everyone keeps asking for pictures of the house. So here it is a Virtual tour of the house, room by room. If you want to see all of the tour photos you can see them on our picassa page.

Entry Way

Office/Computer Room

Guest Room

Master Bedroom

Master Bathroom




Dining Room

Living Room

I took many more pictures (about 45) of the house, click here.

Happy Viewing!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary!!!
Well today is our 2 / 8 year anniversary, and no that is not 2.8 years that is 2 years being married and 8 year total dating. It is a bitter sweet. Why is it a bitter sweet you may ask? Well I haven’t seen one of my best friends since or wedding and she keeps saying she is going to come see us….. cough cough ***** Jessie. I have plenty of proof if you read any of my comments that she said she will come here to see us, I am just hoping that openly blogging about this will speed things up. ;) Hi Vin and Jess!!
Anyway I have posted a few photos of us together from the past few years.

High School Age 17 thats right we started dating when we where 17.

But we always had fun with our friends, and yes that is Nathan and Breana you see in the photo and no they didn't go together. We found out years later that he hates this photo because he didn't go with breana but he wanted to. i'm going to post it anyway because i don't think Nathan ever reads this. You live with a kid for how long and he can't even read your blog. Its ok i don't read his blog about World of War craft so we are even ;)

The day we go engaged and then left it at that for about two or three years.

I think is is when i sold Patty the pathfinder :`(

Drew's High school graduation pic. That’s right he was a year behind me in school I liked the younger boys.

Umm I even still married him after he made me shovel my way to the outhouse when we lived in Alaska. It was the single worst moment I can recall since we have be together and it was just about five mins before this picture was taken. I asked where is the bathroom and he pointed to a bucket. He promised that at less there would be an outhouse … So a shoveling i went, which wasn't easy i don't know if you can really tell from this picture but the snow was up to my waist.

November 4th 2006

Oh and i couldn't help but to added are first photo together with coaly.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Well Like most 1 and 2 year olds the puppies wore their Halloween customs about 15 mins before they bit, scratch, and well all out destroy their Halloween customs. Zephy told us she wanted to be a pirate because she walks around the house going RRRRRRRRRGGGG all day. Well it turns out she didn’t want to be a pirate after all and well I fear that RRRRGGGG is suppose to be GGGRRR and that my puppies may be dyslexia. I mean with the RRRGGGing and the fact that she digs upside down. SO what do we have….. A dyslexia upside down digging dog that needs braces! Anyway Coaly had not chose in the matter and had to be a skeleton. That is all Bi-Mart had in her sizes well other than a princes outfit and that just isn’t Coaly.

We took a Halloween pic just because… At less it looks like we dressed up doesn’t it!! The truth is Drew just go home from work and I was just getting ready for work. Hope everyone has great Halloween.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Coffee is being reposted for vin!! Sorry I sound drunk when I stay up late. One more reason I should not be working graves, I should be home playing Wii with Vin and Jess. Anyone else have a Wii that would like to Mario Kart with us????

Also it is now Drew's new goal to take some pic of the house and blog about it because all you will get out of me is how the shower tried to kill me and that I have set the smoke alarm off twice hmmm anyway.

So where was I ohh yes this morning at 2:48:

So I am getting the feeling that all I ever talk about is my puppies and waves!! But hey who could blame me. The dogs or cute and the waves are just cool. I think waves or so cool looking just because it is the last think that I would have ever seen growing up in price. So I am going to blog about how I am setting here working at 2:48 AM drinking a double shot coffee wondering if this is the reason I can’t sleep when I get home? Oh well I guess that is better then the alternate. The alternate would be, being confused and disorientated to the point where I would crawl in to bed with some random patient. Oh I could see it now and I am laughing to myself, yes it is true I laugh to myself all the time when I imagine something funny. Anyway where was going with this???? IDK Umm I must be tired. Anyway I am stuck stare at the wall for an hour until I start the morning draws unless there is a CODE or Trauma, which I am hoping there isn’t. I am trying to think of something fun to talk about that would be more amusing then my coffee however I fear breaking any HIPPA rules. I guess I could get away with this one. My thoughts of never having kids where reconfirmed the other day when this random persons water broke partial on my foot and I then got to see the start of an undruged birth! Hmmm I ran out of coffee…

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Long time, no blog

So Ive been a blog bum lately and have been letting Keri do all the blogging.

We are mostly settled into the new house. The stuff that was piled into the garage on moving weekend is 85% unpacked and put away. The rest is waiting for the arrival of our industrial duty metal shelves (delivery by mOm and Dad, who are coming for turkey day).

I finally got parts for my BBQ! So now I am back to trying to think of anything and everything that I can cook on the grill. The little window in the living room next to where the BBQ is mounted makes for a perfect order window. I can open the window and holler "Order Up" across the room to Keri, who just looks at me like I'm retarded.

There is a botanical garden in the same area that Keri took the latest wave photos. When I finally pealed Keri's eye out of the viewfinder and away from the observation deck we walked through the gardens. The Japanese pond scape was my favorite and Keri took a cool picture of the fountain in the middle of the "Formal" garden.