Monday, March 31, 2008

Play Time

Everyone loves puppies...

And they're off...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

More Than Just Puppies

After taking a quick look at the Blog I got the feeling that our lives appear to be too focused on the dogs!! So I would like to post one other photo to prove otherwise. But to be honest I look funny in the photo because Coaly is busy tiring to pull my arm off. This should also be a reason to come to Oregon to see us!

Coaly's Little Sister!

Coaly has a little sister! Lyra is a 4-month old Cock-A-Poo just like Coaly. She was in need of a home after her first two familys werent working out. We picked her up this evening and ever since she and Coaly have been running, wrestling, and chasing all over the house.

After a quick bath for both dogs, there was much more chasing, wrestling, and playing with toys.

And did I mention more wrestling?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Coaly at the Beach

Coaly discovers waves at the beach. Waves are scary and need to be barked at, while running away sideways.

Coos Bay, Oregon

I have accepted a job with Stuntzner Engineering and Forestry, LLC in Coos Bay Oregon! Keri has also found work at the local Red Cross in Coos Bay. She is also going to take some classes at the community college to work on some pre-requisites for nursing.

School is out for me on May 2nd. Keri is working at the pool training her replacement unitl May 15th. We are trying to sell the Condo in SLC, and looking for a place to rent in Coos Bay. We are planning on picking up the moving truck on the 16th of May, if you can help with loading or unloading on either end, dont hesitate to voulenteer! Or if you know of anyone who wants to buy a 750 sq ft condo.......

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I am so glad this class is done with again. I should be studding right now but somehow I think this is more fun. Yesterday I took the finial written. Thursday we are doing the practical.

Spring Break Road Trip

Keri has managed to get the entire break staffed at the pool so she can have the whole week to vacation! So here is the big plan for the road trip:

March 14 - After classes we are going to drive to Boisie to see Reed!
March 15 - Long day in the car to make it to the farm.
March 16-17 - Relax at the farm and do whatever.
March 18 - Head for Salem with mOm Star
March 19 - Stops in Eugene and Coos Bay (fingers crossed for interviews!) and on to Redding
March 20-21 - Relax in Redding and do whatever (i.e. Get put to work by Dad!)
March 22 or 23 - Another long day in the car headed back for the not so great Salt Lake.

Keri may still have her interview with the Red Cross in Eugene, though she is really hoping for the aquatics job at the college. I got some responce from Stuntzner Engineering via email, and I have left a voicemail for Mr. Stuntzner. Keeping fingers crossed!

Robo Coaly?

I took Coaly to the vet yesterday, she is happy, healthy, and a little pudgy! She weighs 22.8lbs and the vet said she was getting pleanty of kibbles, but if you ask Coaly she will tell you differently. She also got a microchip injected into her back so she can be identified if she ever gets sepperated from us. So now she has all her vacinations done until next year.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Coaly and Turk at HPER East

Coaly and her new friend Turk playing ball in the hallway at HPER East.

Big Dog Little Dog
