Happy Anniversary!!!
Well today is our 2 / 8 year anniversary, and no that is not 2.8 years that is 2 years being married and 8 year total dating. It is a bitter sweet. Why is it a bitter sweet you may ask? Well I haven’t seen one of my best friends since or wedding and she keeps saying she is going to come see us….. cough cough ***** Jessie. I have plenty of proof if you read any of my comments that she said she will come here to see us, I am just hoping that openly blogging about this will speed things up. ;) Hi Vin and J
Anyway I have posted a few photos of us together from the past few years.
High School Age 17
thats right we started dating when we where 17.
But we always had fun with our friends, and yes that is Nathan and
Breana you see in the photo and no they didn't go together. We found out years later that he hates this photo because he didn't go with
breana but he wanted to.
i'm going to post it anyway because i don't think Nathan ever reads this. You live with a kid for how long and he can't even read your blog. Its
ok i don't read his blog about World of War craft so we are even ;)
The day we go engaged and then left it at that for about two or three years.
I think is is when i sold Patty the pathfinder :`(
Drew's High school graduation pic. That’s right he was a year behind me in school I liked the younger boys.
Umm I even still married him after he made me shovel my way to the outhouse when we lived in Alaska. It was the single worst moment I can recall since we have be together and it was just about five mins before this picture was taken. I asked where is the bathroom and he pointed to a bucket. He promised that at less there would be an outhouse … So a shoveling i went, which wasn't easy i don't know if you can really tell from this picture but the snow was up to my waist.
November 4th 2006
Oh and i couldn't help but to added are first photo together with coaly.