Thursday, August 27, 2009

One week old

Wes decided that he should be born while his Grandpa and Grandma Miller were on a three week sailing excursion. Therefore we have been texting like crazy because of excessive roaming fees to Canada; we have not been able to talk to them much. We have posted a few (Ok lots) of pictures on Picasa so they can view them when they get to a harbor with internet access.

Please go here: Wes' First Photo Album

Also I think everyone that knows my sister, Miranda, should check her blog out, she is moving to Mozambique very very soon. Her blog is called Post-desh life and there is a link on the side of my page.

One pic just for fun. He is not going to like being a kid at my house. No Mom,
I don't want to dress up for pictures again.....

Well, Barb, leave a quick note so we know that you where able to view the pictures.

Monday, August 24, 2009

100th post!!! Wes is home with his puppies

Well all is well. I don't really have to much time as of late, so I am just going to up load some photos. My Parernts and Miranda are here now. It has been fun so far.

Sleeping in my boat grandpa made me.

Should I poop or eat next or try to do both at once???????

Sleeping in my boat again.

First family photos puppies love him, don't know how Wes feels about puppies yet but he will love them.

In my boat again!!!!!!!

Miranda has been teaching me all about what "good" music is.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The iDude Has Arrived

Full Name: Wesley Trent Miller
Born: August 20, 2009; 8:45 pm
Weight: 7 lbs 9.5 oz
Length: 19.75 inches

Not happy about the world of lights and camera flashes.

Keri is very relieved to not be pregnant anymore.

DrewBee is happy that Keri is relieved about not being pregnant anymore.

And a web comic clipping that about sums up how we feel about having a baby. (

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Reed and Amy’s Visit

Monday Reed and Amy rolled into town and where able to stay until Wednesday morning. After we had a quick lunch with Drew at city subs, I had to head to my weekly Doctors appointment, so we sent Reed to Shore Acers and Cape Arago where they were able to see oodles of Sea Lions. While they were enjoying gazing into the beautiful tranquil sapphire ocean I was enduring yet another Doctor appointment where I spent my time pleading with her to make this horrific miserable nightmare end…. Oh and preferable Friday. After all I am thinking long term here and that is Drew’s Birthday. Now how nice would that be to only have to make one cake a year ;). Well she said no and that she didn’t think that I would make another week naturally. “But, but my hip feels like they keeps popping out of place.” I pleaded. (of course that is normal, because every horrific feeling in the world seems to be “normal” during pregnancy.) So I left the Doctor appointment still feeling like this will never end and a Doctor note saying that I was excused from working due to “late pregnancy” AKA my hip keeps popping out of place.

Well back to Reed Visiting. Now that I had the whole day off and Reed is going to stay and hang out, Drew my little “workaholic” took a day off. They got up early to check out the tide pools at low tide because Reed had never done that. I on the other hand did not feel that I was limber enough to waddle around on the soggy rocks.

(I always knew he that he was soo full of himself that that he could shoot rainbows out of his butt; however, I think Amy just relized it)

After they returned we took off to the dunes with the four wheeler. We all enjoyed a quick ride before the bike broke AGAIN while Reed was riding it. At that point we decided it was time to go to the lake. By the way riding around on a bumpy road and driving a four wheeler did not do anything for me as far as speeding up this labor process.

(safty first)

It was a really hot day for Coos Bay, by really hot I am talking low 90’s. Drew even took the puppies for a forced swim while we stopped to eat lunch. (Oh by the way it was only noon, we where cramming as much as we could in to the day .) The puppies hate Swimming but they enjoy being cool after words.

As you can tell zepy was riding Drew more than swimming.
Reed seemed to really enjoy himself on the boat so Drew spent the rest of the time trying to talk Reed into buying a boat as well.

As we were driving home Drew noticed that his phone was still on the boat. Knowing that I wanted him to have a phone with him this week he decided to go back to the boat with Reed while Amy and I went wading at the beach. All and all it was a great day and there really is a ton to do in this small town. ****Hint Hint***** We do like visitors.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The August Rush Begins

August should be a pretty busy month. We expect lots of visitors. Miranda, My Mom and Dad, as well as Reed and Amy. Oh and of course Wesley. Drew’s Mom, Barb stopped by the coast on her way to Washington and spent the day with us. We thought that since she is just on the start of her sailing voyage we would take her out to the Yacht Club, after Drew got home from work. Now that we are "official" members of the Coos Bay Yacht Club we can keep our boat on the lake. My driveway is happy. It is so nice to be able to run down to the club in the evening after work, put the sails up and go out for a sail, for an hour or so.

Barb also helped us try out the delux car seat the Lab Staff was kind enough to get us.

We are firm belivers in animal testing, as you can see we have to test almost everything on the dogs first. They are reluctant but dont seem to mind much as long as they are getting attention.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Making room for 3... I mean 5.

Well the Dr. said she didn’t think I would make it to my due date of Aug 25, but everything is looking fine. I thought it would because you just shouldn’t start out as sick as I did and finish felling horrible as well. Well extra horrible I wouldn’t describe any of this as sunshine and butterflies. But now that I have found a place for all of Wesley’s things I think I need to find a place for Wes.

I also had to make Coaly a new bed today because she was looking really sad. You would think that the other ten dog beds would be enough.

Drew is out fishing with his friends from work right now so this is how I am spending my day. So far they have 12 tuna fish. I am sure he will update everyone on his big Ocean excursion. So if anyone likes to fish maybe you should come and visit us.