Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ending May

Drew’s little brother Damian and his girlfriend stopped by for the weekend.

What else was there to do but go and play on the sail boat?? I have a lot more to learn about sailing, and maybe even one day I will know enough about sailing that I will be able to go back and read Drew’s last post and understand what he said. ;) He defiantly understands it better than I do, but of course he would, there are: ropes, pulleys, and many more things to play with.

Zephy also learned how to dig DOWN. (with Drew's help)

I forgot to blog about Trevor and Erin coming to play on the boat as well!!! I would love to tell more stories but it has taken me far too long just to type this much. I think I need new batteries in my keyboard...


barbara said...
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barbara said...

I'll have you know, Keri, that i had to remove that comment because i had ONE misspelled word. Obsessive compulsive speller, i know. What i wrote was: With a boat, a beach and a baby you're going to get more visitors than you'll know what to do with. And i loved the shadowy beach people!!!!

The Pickled Red Herring said...

I LOOOOVE that shadow picture! You are so creative. My dad had a sailboat once (maybe he still does...) and I LOVED going sailing with him! Can I come visit you? Pretty please?

Wendi said...

That is one of the coolest pictures in the sand with the shadows.

Keri said...

That would be fun krista we would love to have you or anyone else (by anyone else i mean firends we know random blogger bys maybe not) come and visit.

Samaria Project said...

love the shadow pic!!

Leslie Avon Miller said...

I like all these names. Dami has a girlfriend?