Thursday, June 4, 2009

Name Vote

So I have a theory that if we go for a “normal” name that when he is old enough to go to school it will be unique. So I am going to ask for a vote on the following names:
1. Cody Miller
2. Corey Miller
3. Trent Miller
4. Wesley Miller
5. _________


Lara said...

I really like the name Wesley - then you can nick name him Wes. Love it!

Samaria Project said...

I like Wesley because I know lots of cool wesley's - and because I like the shortened verge - wes. :)

NatPalmer said...

I like Trent & Wesley aka Wes.

Wendi said...

I like Cody and Trent. I think Wesley is probably last on my list. When did you find out it was a boy? I thought you thought it was a Pat? Someone told me we could always name our little guy "Justin Case" just in case we couldn't think of a name. I thought Justin was a nice name.

Salinda W. said...

I like Wesley. Its a little bit traditional but not to much. and Wes is a cute nick name.

Miranda said...

1 - Trent (but then you need a good middle name so that when you are angry you can yell at him better.)
2 - Wesley - and I really like Wesley.

Paula said...

Ranking your choices...
(2) WESLEY...but please don't call him "Wesley" except when you're him "Wes",
(3)&(4) No and not like COREY or CODY...too "Utahish"!

(5) Blake
(5) Ian
(5) Keith ;-)
(5) Wade (I also like Dade)

Good Luck! What are you doing about a middle name? Something "family" inspired/required?

Jaime said...

I like Cody and Trent. :)

Keri said...

Thanks for your help!! ;) and as far as a middle name well we are going one step at a time first we have to find a first name then a middle name that will sound good with that on.

Stef said...

name him stefly and call him stef :) or trent.. or wesley..:)

Miranda said...

Middle names - the fam standard is Thuren, right? (at least on our side). Trent Thuren sounds funny, so that gets junior out of that. Alfredo, Walter, Gordon, Scott, Troy (he likes it - and he has a bit middle)....

Miranda said...

errr... big middle

Troy said...

5. Other: Alfredo

Miranda said...
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Miranda said...

At a BBQ tonight - two Trent's and three "Why are you asking what your sister - who none of us have ever met - should name her kid?" Just FYI

Heidi said...

i like Trent and Wesley, i also really like Keith. or maybe Justin Case is best.

barbara said...

What's wrong with Alfredo? Why not a little Pastafarian in the family? And I LIKE the name Thuren... although people will think you made it up. Just be sure that you plan to call the little guy by his FIRST name and that his middle name will only be used when you're mad at him. Otherwise his long-suffering wife of thirty years will have to constantly remind him if he's supposed to sign various legal papers with C. Scott Miller or Charles S. Miller. And "Charles" (the fifth, in the fam) is absolutely NOT an option. Chuckie, Up-chuck, Chuckles the Clown, etc.