Monday, October 5, 2009

Everyone has a bad day now and again.

I think this could be his worse photo yet!!! poor guy.
Well I am sick today, just waiting for Drew to come back from work to take me to the Dr. :( stupid flu or whatever it is that I have. I don't know if you can get your baby sick while you are breast feeding so i am just trying not to breath all over him what do you guys thing????
While we wait I am going to post my baby art.


Salinda W. said...

don't worry about getting baby sick. If he was going to get sick from you breathing on him, well not much you can do about that anyway. And any antibodies your body is making for the virus you have are going to the baby. SO the best thing you can do is nurse him, it will help him fight off anything he does get.

Rachel N said...

oh my gosh! I think that picture is the BEST one of him yet! haha! made me smile :)